
Spiritual Gravity

Where spirituality meets martial arts


August 2018

Aikido Fundamentals: Eye Contact

Eye contact is very important in aikido. A person's eyes project more information than most people realize. By getting into the habit of watching an opponent's eyes, you will be able to sense what they are going to do before... Continue Reading →

Aikido Fundamentals: Structure in Balance Breaks

Balance breaks are fundamental to our system of aikido. If fact, the balance break is the most important part of the technique. If the initial balance break is not effective, it will be difficult to do the next step. In... Continue Reading →

Aikido Fundamentals: Being a Good Uke, Part 2

In learning to attack, our goal is to attack like an aikidoka would, not necessarily like a person on the street.  While playing the part of the attacker - even though you may not notice it at the time -... Continue Reading →

Aikido Fundamentals: Being a Good Uke

When learning the uke role, it's very important to give a good attack. In addition to giving tori something they can work with - particularly during the early learning stages - it helps reinforce good posture and structure in uke's... Continue Reading →

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